ColumbiaCSL Podcast

Weekly podcast of the Sunday Talk from the Columbia Center for Spiritual Living, Columbia, MD

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Sunday Dec 08, 2024

We are closing out our 2024 Year of Living Wholeness exploring Reverend Dr. Howard Thurman's The Inward Journey during the month of December. This Sunday we will explore "The Quest for Understanding" of which Rev. Dr. Thurman states: "There is a given element in life. WE ARE in varied ways concerned about welfare and well-being — our own and that of others. Rare indeed is the man (the one) who looks at his (their) own life, who examines his (their) personal position, and is assured that he is (they are) in no need of improvement.” The specific talk focus will be revealed on Sunday morning by The Wisdom Wheel which contains questions submitted by people just like you asking how to apply spiritual principles to the challenges of everyday life.
The published talk title will provide a general frame for the Sunday talk and then each Sunday, before entering our time of shared spiritual practice, Rev. Rafe will spin the wheel and where it lands will determine his specific talk focus for the morning. Join us for this unique experience.

Thursday Dec 05, 2024

We will closeout our 2024 Year of Living Wholeness exploring Reverend Dr. Howard Thurman's The Inward Journey during the month of December. This Sunday we will explore "The Quest for Meaning" of which Rev. Dr. Thurman states: "INHERENT in life is meaning. This is a quality, independent of the way in which outside forces may operate upon life. The life in the seed bursts forth in root and stalk and fruit – the whole process takes place within.” The specific talk focus will be revealed on Sunday morning by The Wisdom Wheel which contains questions submitted by people just like you asking how to apply spiritual principles to the challenges of everyday life.
A bit about The Wisdom Wheel: the published talk title will provide a general frame for the Sunday talk and then each Sunday morning, before entering our time of shared spiritual practice, Rev. Rafe will spin the wheel and wherever it lands will determine the specific talk focus for the morning.

Sunday Nov 24, 2024

Throughout the month of November we will explore Gratitude. This Sunday we will explore embodying gratitude as a way of life that normalizes the practical application of gratitude to address every aspect of our daily life. The specific talk focus will be revealed on Sunday morning by The Wisdom Wheel - questions submitted by people just like you asking how
A bit about The Wisdom Wheel: the published talk title will provide a general frame for the Sunday talk and then each Sunday morning, before entering our time of shared spiritual practice, Rev. Rafe will spin the wheel and wherever it lands will determine the specific talk focus for the morning.

Sunday Nov 17, 2024

Throughout the month of November we will explore Gratitude. This Sunday we will explore the inseparable relationship of gratitude and faith as two sides of the same coin and we will apply this concept to the specific focus revealed on Sunday morning by The Wisdom Wheel - questions submitted by people just like you asking how to address very human challenges and explore the practical application of spiritual principles to daily life.
A bit about The Wisdom Wheel: the published talk title will provide a general frame for the Sunday talk and then each Sunday morning, before entering our time of shared spiritual practice, Rev. Rafe will spin the wheel and wherever it lands will determine the specific talk focus for the morning.

Sunday Nov 10, 2024

Throughout the month of November we will explore Gratitude. This Sunday we will be exploring gratitude as a prescription for healing; how much to use, how often to use it, and what DIS-ease it can heal all in the context of the specific focus revealed on Sunday morning by The Wisdom Wheel – questions submitted by people just like you asking how to address very human challenges and explore the practical application of spiritual principles to daily life.
The published talk title will provide a general frame for the Sunday talk and then each Sunday, before entering our time of shared spiritual practice, Rev. Rafe will spin the wheel and where it lands will determine his specific talk focus for the morning. Join us for this unique experience.

Sunday Nov 03, 2024

Throughout the month of November we will explore Gratitude. This Sunday we will be exploring what gratitude is and applying our concept and understanding of gratitude to the specific focus revealed on Sunday morning by The Wisdom Wheel - questions submitted by people just like you asking how to address very human challenges and explore the practical application of spiritual principles to daily life.
A bit about The Wisdom Wheel: the published talk title will provide a general frame for the Sunday talk and then each Sunday morning, before entering our time of shared spiritual practice, Rev. Rafe will spin the wheel and wherever it lands will determine the specific talk focus for the morning.

Sunday Oct 27, 2024

Ester Nicholson, daughter of a Baptist minister, renowned vocalist, former addict, teacher and author of Soul Recovery – 12 Keys to Healing Dependence – finally realized what her healing called her to: A mission worth living for. There is a divine YOU that has never been touched by the pain and trauma that you may have been born into. It has never been influenced by what anyone has ever said about you, or even by the false beliefs that you’ve held about yourself. It only knows that you are the Beloved. It only knows that you are unconditionally worthy, more than good enough and audaciously magnificent! Have you forgotten Beloved? No worries. Let’s get you home to who you really are and to where you’ve always belonged.
Ester Nicholson, renowned vocalist, singing with Rod Stewart, Bette Midler, Beyonce’ and Barbra Streisand—and having her life story featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) will be our Guest Speaker and Musician this Sunday.

Sunday Oct 20, 2024

This Sunday we continue our practice of dedicating our Sunday messages to address our very human challenges and explore the practical application of spiritual principles to daily life using the teachings of Science of Mind. You are invited to actively participate by submitting your questions, concerns, and challenges to be included on the Sunday Talk wheel.
The published talk title will provide a general frame for the Sunday talk and then each Sunday, before entering our time of shared spiritual practice, Rev. Rafe will spin the wheel and where it lands will determine his specific talk focus for the morning. Join us for this unique experience.

Sunday Oct 13, 2024

This Sunday we continue our practice of dedicating our Sunday messages to address our very human challenges and explore the practical application of spiritual principles to daily life using the teachings of Science of Mind. You are invited to actively participate by submitting your questions, concerns, and challenges to be included on the Sunday Talk wheel.
The published talk title will provide a general frame for the Sunday talk and then each Sunday, before entering our time of shared spiritual practice, Rev. Rafe will spin the wheel and where it lands will determine his specific talk focus for the morning. Join us for this unique experience.

Saturday Oct 12, 2024

This Sunday we continue our practice of dedicating our Sunday messages to address our very human challenges and explore the practical application of spiritual principles to daily life using the teachings of Science of Mind. You are invited to actively participate by submitting your questions, concerns, and challenges to be included on the Sunday Talk wheel.
The published talk title will provide a general frame for the Sunday talk and then each Sunday, before entering our time of shared spiritual practice, Rev. Rafe will spin the wheel and where it lands will determine his specific talk focus for the morning. Join us for this unique experience.

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