ColumbiaCSL Podcast

Weekly podcast of the Sunday Talk from the Columbia Center for Spiritual Living, Columbia, MD

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Sunday May 07, 2023

Some flowers bloom at night, and others bloom in the day, yet all have beauty, color, fragrance, and unique details that are important to the Oneness of life. Join us to explore the inner and outer spectrum within the light.

Sunday Apr 30, 2023

Vulnerability becomes the gateway to power and possibility. It calls us to be who we are, create space for others to do the same, and hold on for the exciting adventure of transformation.

Sunday Apr 23, 2023

Seeing and being seen can be our greatest challenge yet our greatest desire. So how can we do both? You guessed it…both take a willingness to be vulnerable, which then in turn, can open the door to a life lived out loud!

Sunday Apr 16, 2023

Letting go and letting in, is often easier said than done. This aspect of vulnerability calls us to loosen our grip and open up to the possibilities that await us!

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Resurrection and Science of Mind with B. Amon James for the Columbia Center for Spiritual Living.

Monday Apr 03, 2023

Hearing the word vulnerability often makes us cringe. But do we know what it really means? Let’s begin our journey into vulnerability by defining and aligning.

Monday Apr 03, 2023

When we embrace our own worthiness, we will stop seeking the approval of others. As children of the Divine, we are inherently worthy. Today we will explore ways to release blocks and embrace your Authentic Self.

Sunday Mar 19, 2023

Boundaries define. They communicate to others who we are and where we end, and the other begins. When we communicate our boundaries accurately, we are creating a clear path for others to connect with us. Boundaries build bridges.

Sunday Mar 12, 2023

We wear masks at different times for different reasons; for celebration, for fun, in theater, in the arts and for our physical safety. And not all the masks are physical. We often wear invisible “masks”, changing or hiding who we are for a myriad of reasons. Developing the courage to be vulnerable, to drop our mask and let ourselves be seen and felt, is another piece in cultivating authenticity.

Sunday Mar 05, 2023

It is often said, “Be yourself because everyone else is already taken.” It can feel scary to be authentic in a world that is trying to fit square pegs in round holes. We begin by becoming aware of our authentic Self as an expression of the Divine then we explore ways for us to recover an experience of our wholeness.

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